Thursday, May 24, 2007

Running behind

Yikes. By now I thought I'd have the walls all drywalled, taped, mudded, sanded, all the broken plasted primed, patched and textured, the whole house primed and ready for beautiful coats of off-white paint...Instead I am still painstaking splicing little squares of drywall into little holes during the scant hours that I can get to the house. It all seemed so fast and easy in my imagination, as usual. I wonder how long it takes to become realistic about how long it takes to get things done?

This week I wake up and head straight over around 5 a.m. or as early as I can drag myself out of bed. In an hour or two I seem to average 1 1/2 or 2 pieces of drywall installed. Then it's back home to wake the kids, make lunches and get them off to school...oh, and change and shower and bandage up the latest wounds from scraper and utility knife slippage. Then, after dinner and the ritual nagging of children about homework etc. I head over again most nights and attempt to do something useful for another hour or so.

By yesterday I was so tired I was nearly nodding off at my desk at work. Don't tell the boss.

Will it get done in time for the arrival of my short-term tenant June 2nd? It seems unlikely, but I don't have much choice but to get it done somehow. I also need to get kitchen cabinets installed, electricity hooked up everywhere (I have just one working outlet and waste much time groping in the dark for tools and materials.)

Anyway, today I dropped by the Restore at lunch (plug: proceeds go to support Habitat for Humanity) and scored three gallons of lovely off-white Benj. Moore paint in "light straw" for $28 total. Perfect. Might go back for the can of "natural linen" tomorrow. And got two great outdoor light fixtures for front and back that will fit in with the attempted Japanese influence. I'll post photos of them later.

Here's the best thing about the house at this point:

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