Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Never done

It's almost ready but so many small details are nagging. Sanding and painting touch-ups. Installing bathroom towel bars, getting the pea gravel and bark mulch out of the driveway and into their places. Plants into the ground. Install the new garage window. Install new doorknobs. Caulking. Another coat of paint on the fireplace bricks. Hang mirror and pictures, bring furniture. Clean. Clean. Clean. It's probably good that it's not quite listed yet - maybe later today?

Meanwhile things are breaking down and disappearing. Losing the cellphone is a sure sign that things are reaching stress meltdown point. Both lawnmowers have cacked out; well, the newer one is making mysterious rattling noises and the other just quit. The computer went on the fritz. Even my watch has stopped keeping correct time. I've been too rushed and busy to deal with any of this. Haven't even had time to put down the paintbrush or shovel and take pictures. So I'll post some "not-quite-after" photos of the back door project and Bindweed Alley (or is it Allee?) without the "befores." You'll have to take my word that it was really really bad before.

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